
X Term: BTUS Lighting and Electronics


Sanchez, Marla C., Jonathan G. Koomey, Mithra M. Moezzi, Alan K. Meier, and Wolfgang Huber."Miscellaneous Electricity Use in U.S. Homes."ACEEE 1998 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (1998) 11.
Clear, Robert D., and Francis M. Rubinstein."A Cost-Benefit Analysis Applied to Lumen Maintenance Controls."Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society 28 (1998) 113-126.
Webber, Carrie A., and Richard E. Brown."Savings Potential of ENERGY STAR Voluntary Labeling Programs."1998 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings 9 (1998) 9.271-9.282.


Page, Erik, and Michael J. Siminovitch."Photometric Assessment of Energy Efficient Torchieres."4th European Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting (1997).
Page, Erik."Integral CFLs Performance in Table Lamps."IESNA 1997 Annual Conference (1997).